SEA Professional Development League Releases Monograph “The New Normal? Presidential Distinguished Rank Executives Discuss the Impact of the Budget Process and Sequestration”
Written by Senior Executives Association. Posted in Press Releases
The Senior Executives Association Professional Development League (SEA PDL) has released a monograph that details the discussion of 18 of the 46 2012 Presidential Distinguished Rank Executives and Senior Professionals who met in a “Morning of Reflections” sponsored by SEA PDL on April 24, 2013.
Washington, D.C. - The Senior Executives Association Professional Development League (SEA PDL) has released a monograph, "The New Normal? Presidential Distinguished Rank Executives Discuss the Impact of the Budget Process and Sequestration."
This monograph details the discussion of 18 of the 46 2012 Presidential Distinguished Rank Executives and Senior Professionals who met in a "Morning of Reflections" sponsored by SEA PDL on April 24, 2013. The conversation was led by Peter B. Zimmerman, Lecturer in Public Policy, Senior Associate Dean for Strategic Program Development, and Faculty Chair of the Senior Executive Fellows Program at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.
SEA President Carol Bonosaro said, "For career executives - whether Senior Executives or Senior Professionals - the on-going budget crisis and sequestration cuts present a management challenge, namely, how to continue to meet the agency's mission and produce the results expected while doing so with reduced resources. Presidential Distinguished Rank awardees typically have substantial responsibility - for both personnel and budget - in their agencies. Therefore, they are well positioned to assess the impact of sequestration."
This monograph does not assess the impact of sequestration by citing data that reflects financial, program or service results; rather, it is intended to illuminate the managerial challenges which these and other executives are facing and their view of the ultimate impact on government.
Sections of the monograph are:
- The Budgetary and Management Challenges
- Has the Impact Hit Yet?
- Dealing with It
- Judging Performance: Catch 22
- Long Term Effects and the Next Generation
- The Bottom Line: The New Normal?
Candid conversation at the "Mornings" is encouraged by an agreement that no participant will be quoted by name; accordingly, this publication reflects that practice.